Saturday, September 29, 2007

Grade 8 English Lesson Plan

Title: Characterization in a novel study

(2000) Illustrative Examples for English Language Arts Kindergarten to Grade 9
Retrieved: September 29, 2007

Miller, Laura (2003) Elements of the Novel: An Introduction to The Call of the Wild
Retrieved: September 29, 2007

Scrimger, Richard, (no date given) Nose from Jupiter
Retrieved: September 29, 2007

Grade 8 English Language Arts

• Nose from Jupiter by Richard Scrimger
• Concept Mapping software

• Review key elements of the book Nose from Jupiter including setting, characters, plot
• Have students pick a main character from the book
• Using Concept Mapping software, students will create a map of this characters qualities including physical characteristics and personality traits
• These observations should be supported by textual evidence as well as what the student knows about a particular quality.
• Have students reflect in their journals about their project and how they are similar or different from their character

Assessment Method:• Assess concept maps based on agreed upon criteria and rubric

General Outcome: Comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral, print and other media texts
Specific Outcome: 2.2 Respond to texts by constructing meaning through texts
• Identify and describe characters’ attributes and motivations, using evidence from the text and personal experiences
Students will demonstrate their understanding of characterization by creating a mind map of character qualities.
ICT Outcomes:
C4 Students will use organizational processes and tools to manage inquiry
• 2.2 Organize information, using such tools as a database, spreadsheet or electronic webbing
• 2.3 Reflect on and describe the processes involved in completing a project

Concept mapping is an ideal way to have students brain storm and elaborate on characters in a book. By organizing their thought processes through mapping students are enabled to expand on and connect their ideas. Students are able to make these maps highly specialized and appropriate according to their task and preferences. The integration of this technology not only helps achieve language outcomes of understanding meaning from text, but familiarizes students with this valuable technological tool.

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